deps New Slide Swimmer 250 got the great review on Tackle Tour.
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Introduction: Tossing big baits for big bass is a movement rooted in Southern California where OG trophy hunters used baits mimicking trout to deceive double digit weighing bass into biting. While there are different styles of big baits, a subset, the glide, found its way into prominence through the influence of a couple OG baits developed oversees. GanCraft’s Jointed Claw and Deps’s SlideSwimmer are to the glide bait movement in the early 2000s what the Temptations and Four Tops were to Motown back in the 1960s. One of those two baits underwent a transformation in 2014, and I figured it was about time to get ready for a closer look at the “New” Deps Slide Swimmer 250.

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