Taku Talks, Shows His Cutting-Edge Developments / Bass Fan
BassFan’s Editor Jon Storm spent a week in Japan and writes of the experience in this continuing series.
Friday, April 2, 2010
By BassFan Editor-In-Chief Jon Storm
If there’s the equivalent of a Mike Iaconelli in Japan, it’s most certainly Hata Takuma, or “Taku” as he’s better known.
This flamboyant, energetic young Osaka JB Top 50 pro may be a comedian, and dear to the hearts of young bass anglers across Japan, but when he’s on the water, he’s all business.
In fact, he’s developed so many new rigs that he’s garnered the honorific title of “Rig-Meister” in his home country.
U.S. anglers have fished some of his inventions – the Inchi Wacky (or Flick Shake as it’s known here), as well as the sasuteki (or “Okeechobee”) rig. But Taku’s got plenty more where that came from.
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